Akai MPC5000

Jaja,de geruchten waren waar hier is ie dan :-)

Akai MPC-5000
  • 64-voice drum/phrase sampler with 64MB memory built-in. Expandable up to 192MB RAM
  • Three-oscillator virtual analog synth engine with built-in arpeggiator
  • Over 300 Virtual Analog synth presets included
  • Eight tracks of Direct-to-Hard Disk recording
  • Over 40 all new effects available within a modular 4-bus effects processor
  • Master compressor and equalizer
  • Built-in hard disk drive
  • Optional CD-R/DVD drive
  • USB 2.0 port for computer connectivity
  • CF Type-2 card slot (up to 2GB)
  • Chop-Shop 2.0 - slices a stereo loop into individual samples with automatic pad assignment
  • Patched Phrases - creates multiple splits in looped samples to ensure proper tempo sync without changing pitch
  • Continuous Sample Track - ensures samples play in perfect sync no matter where you start the beat in a loop
  • 12 Q-link controllers for internal automation, external MIDI control and quick parameter editing
  • 240 x 128 hinged backlit LCD
  • 10 built-in analog outputs, plus 8 ADAT-optical outputs and stereo S/PDIF IO
  • Powerful new multimode filter
  • Two MIDI inputs and Four MIDI outputs
  • Turntable phono inputs with RIAA pre-amp
  • XLR / 1/4" combo jacks with selectable mic/line levels
  • Sample library provided by Loopmasters.com



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Mooi :{ Al moet ik wel zeggen dat die 4000 meer klasse uitstraalt. Dit lijkt meer een 2500 met wat extra,s een 3500 dus.

8 tracks hard disk recording en een VA synth ingebouwt, netjes. 64 mb standaard, uitbreidbaar tot 192, 4 effect bussen - 2 effecten per bus best netjes opzich.

Alleen deze quote van akaipro.com "a 20-voice, 3-oscillator analog synthesizer with arpeggiator"

Analoog ? een foutje ? lijkt me wel :D

later in het verhaaltje staat er deze quote

"The MPC5000's virtual analog synth eliminates need for external analog synth modules or buggy software based synthesizers. "

Als of er alleen maar analoge synths of buggy software vst,s bestaan.

Maar toch al met al lijkt het me wel een vette bak, alleen jammer dat ie zoveel op de 2500 moet lijken :(
De features lijst.

64-voice drum/phrase sampler with 64MB memory built-in. Expandable up to 192MB RAM
Three-oscillator virtual analog synth engine with built-in arpeggiator
Over 300 Virtual Analog synth presets included
Eight tracks of Direct-to-Hard Disk recording
Over 40 all new effects available within a modular 4-bus effects processor
Master compressor and equalizer
Built-in hard disk drive
Optional CD-R/DVD drive
USB 2.0 port for computer connectivity
CF Type-2 card slot (up to 2GB)
Chop-Shop 2.0 - slices a stereo loop into individual samples with automatic pad assignment
Patched Phrases - creates multiple splits in looped samples to ensure proper tempo sync without changing pitch
Continuous Sample Track - ensures samples play in perfect sync no matter where you start the beat in a loop
12 Q-link controllers for internal automation, external MIDI control and quick parameter editing
240 x 128 hinged backlit LCD
10 built-in analog outputs, plus 8 ADAT-optical outputs and stereo S/PDIF IO
Powerful new multimode filter
Two MIDI inputs and Four MIDI outputs
Turntable phono inputs with RIAA pre-amp
XLR / 1/4" combo jacks with selectable mic/line levels
Sample library provided by Loopmasters.com
Hmm gelet op de prijzen van de 4000, zal deze wel > €2000 zijn...
Idd. Dat Akai na zoveel gelazer met hun laatste MPC's nog over 'buggy' durft te beginnen.

En laat ik maar de eerste zijn.:W

Ik had gedacht dat deze de mpc4000 zou opvolgen, maar valt eigenlijk vies tegen. Het is sowieso geen volwaardige sampler zoals de 4000 maar weer een phrase sampler. En maar 192MB geheugen????, 4 banken ipv 6, kleiner scherm. Lijkt meer op een 2500XL. HD-recording is wel gaaf, als het werkt natuurlijk.

En dan die prijs $3,499. :erm:
Hier hebben we jaren op gewacht. Een koopje! Ik ruil meteen mijn MPC-4000 en al mijn analoge synths in :D
The MPC series set the standard for beat production. What would it take to make the ultimate MPC? Dozens of engineers, 20 years of experience and a new synth and drum sampling engine unlike any MPC ever. Introducing the MPC5000; the new standard for music production.

The MPC5000 is the first MPC ever to include 8-track streaming hard disk recording, a 20-voice, 3-oscillator analog synthesizer with arpeggiator, a new sequencing engine with 960 ppq resolution, pad and track muting and mixing, 64 continuous sample tracks. There's even a new FX engine with 4 FX buses and 2FX per bus.

In addition, the MPC5000 features a 64-voice drum/phrase sampler with 64MB memory Ð expandable up to 192MB. The display is twice the size of the MPC2500 and MPC1000 so waveforms appear crystal-clear. Integrated Chop Shop 2.0 now supports stereo chops and Patched Phrases. The MPC5000 is the first MPC to include Random and Cycle sample playback in addition to velocity Zone Play. A turntable preamp is also included.

The MPC5000's virtual analog synth eliminates need for external analog synth modules or buggy software based synthesizers. The new 8-track direct to disk recorder lets you produce your whole song in the MPC and then mix it down with the internal sequenced programs and any input thru material. Add the optional CD/DVD drive and you can then burn an audio or data CD or your mix. Over 650MB of premium-quality sounds from Loopmasters are included to get you up and running with pro-quality production in seconds.
* 64-voice drum/phrase sampler with 64MB memory built-in. Expandable up to 192MB RAM
* Three-oscillator virtual analog synth engine with built-in arpeggiator
* Over 300 Virtual Analog synth presets included
* Eight tracks of Direct-to-Hard Disk recording
* Over 40 all new effects available within a modular 4-bus effects processor
* Master compressor and equalizer
* Built-in hard disk drive
* Optional CD-R/DVD drive
* USB 2.0 port for computer connectivity
* CF Type-2 card slot (up to 2GB)
* Chop-Shop 2.0 - slices a stereo loop into individual samples with automatic pad assignment
* Patched Phrases - creates multiple splits in looped samples to ensure proper tempo sync without changing pitch
* Continuous Sample Track - ensures samples play in perfect sync no matter where you start the beat in a loop
* 12 Q-link controllers for internal automation, external MIDI control and quick parameter editing
* 240 x 128 hinged backlit LCD
* 10 built-in analog outputs, plus 8 ADAT-optical outputs and stereo S/PDIF IO
* Powerful new multimode filter
* Two MIDI inputs and Four MIDI outputs
* Turntable phono inputs with RIAA pre-amp
* XLR / 1/4" combo jacks with selectable mic/line levels
* Sample library provided by Loopmasters.com
Bruut ding!
tja als ie rond de ouwe prijs van de mpc4000 gaat hangen

dan wil ik wel weten wat een mpc4000 2dehands gaat kosten :P