Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 12

Via Matrixsynth.com:


"Introducing the Prophet 12! At twelve voices, the Prophet 12 boasts the greatest polyphony of any instrument designed by Dave Smith. Each voice features four oscillators capable of generating classic and complex waveforms, a sub-oscillator, resonant analog low-pass and high-pass filters, and analog VCAs. The new Character section adds a variety of wave shaping and sound sculpting options, like Drive, Hack, Decimation, Girth, and Air. Additional features include a tuned feedback path, a four-tap stereo delay per voice, expanded arpeggiator functionality, deep modulation capabilities, and bi-timbral operation. The LFOs, delay, and arpeggiator can all be synced, either to the internal clock or an external MIDI clock. Two programmable position- and pressure-sensitive touch sliders take the performance controls beyond the standard pitch and mod wheels."

NAMM email:
"Just moments from now San Francisco’s Dave Smith Instruments will unveil the all new Prophet 12 Synthesizer at the 2013 NAMM Show held in Anaheim, California. The attached official press release can be used immediately and here’s a link to Dave’s video announcement: P12 Introduction. Visit www.davesmithinstruments.com later today for more information.

If you’re attending NAMM, stop by Booth 5400 and check out a demo. The Prophet 12 is expected to be available Q2 2013 and pre-orders can be placed starting today at NAMM. If you’re not attending NAMM and would like to place a pre-order, let me know and I’ll be happy to send an updated price sheet. The projected MAP is $2,999. Hi-res photos are available upon request.

We’re very excited about the Prophet 12 and hope you are, too!"

"Dave Smith Instruments Unveils Prophet 12 at NAMM
All New Polyphonic Synthesizer From Master Synth Designer

ANAHEIM, Calif.—January 24, 2013—Dave Smith Instruments today introduced a new polyphonic synthesizer, the Prophet 12, at the 2013 NAMM Show. “After 35 years of creating synths, this is simply my best synth yet,” said Smith. “We sort of started from scratch on this one rather than spinning off another product from our previous designs.”

At twelve voices, the Prophet 12 boasts the greatest polyphony of any instrument designed by Smith. Each voice features four oscillators capable of generating classic and complex waveforms, a sub-oscillator, resonant analog low- and high-pass filters, and analog VCAs. The new Character section adds a variety of wave shaping and sound sculpting options, like Drive, Hack, Decimation, Girth, and Air. Additional features include a tuned feedback path, a four-tap stereo delay per voice, expanded arpeggiator functionality, deep modulation capabilities, and bi-timbral operation. The LFOs, delay, and arpeggiator can all be synced, either to the internal clock or an external MIDI clock. Two programmable position- and pressure-sensitive touch sliders take the performance controls beyond the standard pitch and mod wheels (also included).

“We’re already blown away by the sonic breadth of this synthesizer’s new voice architecture,” Smith continued. “It doesn’t sound like anything else and I’m very excited for people to hear it.”

The Prophet 12 is expected to be available Q2 of 2013 with a projected MAP of $2,999."
En nog even een plaatje:


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Ziet er goed uit, en klinkt in de demo alvast erg lekker.

Aan de brede akkoorden te horen is -ie ook geschikt voor stadiumrock! Nu maar hopen dat de poedel kapsels niet terugkomen.
Zooowww...wat een nieuws zeg! Het gaat echt de goede kant op dit jaar :okdan:
Heb begrepen dat dit een P08 is met 4 extra stemmen en het OS v/d Tempest ziet er mooi uit.
die demo's klinken fenomenaal,maar opletten geblazen delay per voice en behalve de eerste sound is de rest allemaal unison (12xdelay dus),kijk naar de leds helemaal rechts

anders kocht ik hem nu al onmiddelijk blind..
De patch die begint op 2:56 in het filmpje klinkt toch wel beestachtig. Ik zie het al helemaal voor me: Korg MS-20 en KingKorg staan ergens midden in het bos een hoop bombarie te maken en dan komt de Prophet 12 uit een klein struikje tevoorschijn. :{
Da's andere koek i.d.d. Ik gok zo richting de 3K€ ?

Ik las dat ie $2999,- gaat kosten maar in euros is dat slechts €2243,- dus dat klinkt al beter. :)

Ik verwacht dat ie hier €2499,- gaat kosten en dat ie uiteindelijk zakt naar €2199,- Veel geld maar dit is wel een top synth.