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Bedorven lid
Lid sinds
9 juli 2004
Ik dacht: weer eens tijd voor een onzinnige thread :)

Om het startschot te geven: ctrl+ v levert voor mij 'voortplanting' op.
Wie volgt? :D
if(!$image->is_ok()) die ('Hij doet het niet. Bestandsnaam/type checken.<BR>'.$image->error());
return $imageurl;

Zinnig topic! :D
En alweer script...

$this->menu =& $hd_overzicht->menu;

al die nerds hier 8o)
ctrl + v

Tesla, Nikola
(b. July 9/10, 1856, Smiljan, Croatia--d. Jan. 7, 1943, New York City), Serbian-American inventor and researcher who discovered the rotating magnetic field, the basis of most alternating-current machinery. He emigrated to the United States in 1884 and sold the patent rights to his system of alternating-current dynamos, transformers, and motors to George Westinghouse the following year. In 1891 he invented the Tesla coil, an induction coil widely used in radio technology.
Tesla was from a family of Serbian origin. His father was an Orthodox priest; his mother was unschooled but highly intelligent. A dreamer with a poetic touch, as he matured Tesla added to these earlier qualities those of self-discipline and a desire for precision.

Training for an engineering career, he attended the Technical University at Graz, Austria, and the University of Prague. At Graz he first saw the Gramme dynamo, which operated as a generator and, when reversed, became an electric motor, and he conceived a way to use alternating current to advantage. Later, at Budapest, he visualized the principle of the rotating magnetic field and developed plans for an induction motor that would become his first step toward the successful utilization of alternating current. In 1882 Tesla went to work in Paris for the Continental Edison Company, and, while on assignment to Strassburg in 1883, he constructed, in after-work hours, his first induction motor. Tesla sailed for America in 1884, arriving in New York, with four cents in his pocket, a few of his own poems, and calculations for a flying machine. He first found employment with Thomas Edison, but the two inventors were far apart in background and methods, and their separation was inevitable.

een lekkere biografie over Tesla
Tja... Dit stond eronder.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:l="http://xcone.atosorigin.com/label/xml/labels.xml" xmlns:g="http://xcone.atosorigin.com/group/xml/groups.xml" xmlns:e="http://xcone.atosorigin.com/schema/xsd/employee.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../xsd/page.xsd">
			<label ref="l:app_title" />
		<script name="main.js" />
		<script name="popcalendar.js" />
		<script name="p-2003.js" />
		<script type="scenario" />
		<panel type="main-f" default-button="search">
					<panel type="nitf" path="nitf[@id='general']" />
					<panel type="column" path="return">
							<section valign="top" width="300">
								<panel type="labelField">
										<field type="group">
											<label ref="l:course_type" />
												<field type="dropdown_ct" name="course_type" value="{$course_type}" default="SV" />
										<separator type="newLine" />
										<field type="group">
											<label ref="l:product_category" />
												<field type="dropdown_pc" name="product_category" value="{$product_category}" default="ALL" />
							<section valign="top">
								<panel type="labelField">
										<field type="group">
											<label ref="l:course_between" />
												<field type="calendar" name="start_date" path="/response/data/return/startDate" />
										<separator type="newLine" />
										<field type="group">
											<label ref="l:and" />
												<field type="calendar" name="end_date" path="/response/data/return/endDate" />
					<panel type="buttonBar">
							<button align="center" name="search" script="scenario('find_courses', 'nav:=1_1');">
								<image src="but_search.gif" />
		<group ref="g:footer-panel" />
Firmsā€™ Decisions to Innovate and Innovation Routines

Ben bezig met m'n afstudeerscriptie :(
Dit stond eronder, en het is nog waar ook!

vanmorgen nog lekker even dwarsgegaan met de auto :D

... stond in m'n copybuffer omdat de chat weer es wat gecrasht, en ik dit toch even wilde delen...
:D :D :D

Remember when you ran away and I got on my knees and begged you not to
leave because I'd go berserk?? Well...
You left me anyhow and then the days got worse and worse and now you see
I've gone completely out of my mind.. And..
They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa
To the funny farm. Where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be
happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're
coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!!!!

You thought it was a joke and so you laughed, you laughed when I had said
that loosing you would make me flip my lid.. RIGHT???
I know you laughed, I heard you laugh, you laughed you laughed and
laughed and then you left, but now you know I'm utterly mad... And..

They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa,
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa.
To the happy home. With trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket
weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes and they're
coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!!

I cooked your food, I cleaned your house, and this is how you pay me back
for all my kind unselfish loving deeds.. Huh??
Well you just wait, they'll find you yet and when they do they'll put you
in the ASPCA, you mangy mutt!!! And...

They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa.
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa.
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be happy
to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming
to take me away, ha-haaa!!!
To the happy home, with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket
weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes and they're
coming to take me away, ha-haa!!!
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time... (fade out)

Hey, buddy!
Yes officer..
You a head?
No, but I'm catching up, ha ha ha....

Iemand op mijn werk vroeg of ik dit nummer kende, even gegoogled...
Stukkie probeersel in asp.net niet echt waardevol maar goed dit stond onder mijn ctrl + V

    Private Function replaceHTMLString(ByVal strInput As String) As String
        Dim strOutput As String
        strOutput = Replace(strInput, "<", "<")
        strOutput = Replace(strOutput, ">", ">")
        Return strOutput
    End Function
Hoogste tijd voor een aparte appeltje+v thread.
Er kan niet meer gereageerd worden.