Gandavon - Sneak peak

Here we go:

WIP video on my new Youtube channel!
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I'm excited to give you a little glimmer of what is going on. As you know, I'm rather productive and whenever something is released you can be sure that I'm already a project or two ahead. Today is no different and after Fireman there's another somewhat retro-analogue sounding album coming but after thát, well. That's a different matter.

As the world turns and we get a bit older -I know I have- I try to look ahead a little more instead of back. Retro is all fine and good, and I have been trying to make music that was not so much "retro" as I would say "timeless", albeit firmly rooted in sound and atmosphere of the 70's and 80's, but now I am listening to more contemporary stuff and seeing what I can do with a forward-looking attitude.

It'll be energetic, powerful with pensive, moody moments but not gloomy or dark. No, I'd rather make something upbeat and positive.

You'll see!

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