Pixie EDP Wasp kloon


Cheff Noodle
Lid sinds
9 mei 2002

Op deze site word vermeld over een EDP Wasp kloon met midi die gebouwd word
pixie wasp kloon

The Pixie is a clone of the WASP that keeps the salient features of the WASP but replaces the
keyboard cicruitry with a MIDI interface to provide a more flexible product.

Mischien oud nieuws maar ik heb het nergens gezien op het forum.
ik heb antwoord via email van Laurie Biddulph gekregen... met permissie zal ik de belangrijkste info even pasten;

Yes the Pixie project is still running and will shortly be at the stage where I can release the pcb.

I will be supplying both pcb and component kits for the Pixie but will probably not, at the moment, include the case, front panel nor panel components (pots switches etc). The biggest problem there is finding a suitable case that everyone will work with (some will want portable, some will want desktop, some will want rack etc.......). Further, some will want a built-in keyboard (like the original WASP) whereas other will want to provide their own (and thus keep the cost down).

I can say that there will be a full-blown ready-assembled version of the Pixie which will (still to be confirmed) have a wooden cabinet, 4-octave keyboard (with MIDI output so that it can be used with other systems) and an optional Sequencer. Sorry can't say any more for now.

As I have not yet released the Pixie there are no prices for it but I hope to have some indicative pricing available shortly.

On the website I have some pictures of my prototype going in to a small portable flight-case and may offer this as a full kit (and also ready-made).

Shipping to the Netherlands (insured airmail) will be around AUS$35. The pcb will probably be about AUS$40 with a kit of components being about AUS$150 although I haven't done a recent costing on this. I will try and get firmer pricing sorted out by the weekend and get back to you then.
als ik een afgebouwd exemplaar hier heb moeten we zeker ff een afspraak maken om'm met jouw originele te vergelijken dennis! 8)

ik dacht trouwens dat je wasp nogal een succes was op de synthmeeting... is iedereen die toen geinteresseerd was nou op vakantie ofzo?
heb net een mailtje van Laurie ontvangen waarin hij aangeeft dat de bijpassende sequencer nog niet af is en dat hij wel wat suggesties kan gebruiken.
de sequencer is gebaseerd op de ML303

ik heb wel wat gelezen over de ML303 (ook op dit forum) maar het is me niet geheel duidelijk hoe de sequencer werkt... enige uitleg is zeker welkom!

zelf hoop ik op de mogelijkheid om extra funkties te implementeren als reverse/loopen van gedeeltes in de sequence/(semi)random skippen van beats maar ik heb geen idee of zoiets mogelijk is... iig zal ik hem deze suggesties doen.
trouwens nog wat sounds en plaatjes op deze pagina.

sounds zijn wel in wav-formaat dus breedband is een aanrader. misschien niet de cleanste synth die er is maar je hoort wel heel duidelijk het "wespende" karakter. ik blijf iig watertanden. :{


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Origineel geplaatst door koediman
trouwens nog wat sounds en plaatjes op deze pagina.

sounds zijn wel in wav-formaat dus breedband is een aanrader. misschien niet de cleanste synth die er is maar je hoort wel heel duidelijk het "wespende" karakter. ik blijf iig watertanden. :{
Dit heeft ook wel iets weg van een Synthi...
Origineel geplaatst door koediman
het heeft een tijdje geduurd maar hij is nou bezig met z'n eerste (kleine) run.
heb helaas zelf ff geen geld ervoor maar het lijkt me nog steeds een bruut projekt.

hier een link naar de prijzen: http://www.elby-designs.com/shopping/enter.html?lmd=38608.818391


de pcb (en de rest) is wel een beetje duur in vergelijk met de prijzen van de andere DIY kits van hem. Zijn de prijzen definitief? Ik heb namelijk wel zin in zo'n pixie. :)

Just a courtesy email to let you know that a small run of the Pixie PCB is now being done and should be available in the next 4-6 weeks.
I have put pricing on my website for the PCB (complete with the M16C microcontroller), a PCB Component Kit and a suggested Front Panel Component Kit. I will shortly post a copy of the BOM for those interested in sourcing your own components.

As stated on the web, the Pixie is a clone of the EDP WASP. When considering the Pixie readers should be aware of the following deviations from the EDP WASP:-

The WASP Keyboard scanning circuitry (and keyboard) has been completely removed and replaced with an M16C-based MIDI Interface affording more flexibility in the choice and size on controller. This change should have no affect on the audible qualities of the Pixie
The dual 555-based oscillators have been replaced by a dual-DCO design utilising the M16C. This change also includes removal of the Octave and Note Decoding circuitry and also the dual Glide circuits. As all of these stages are simply squarewave generators and dividers I see no reason why this change should have any bearing on the overall audible characteristics of the Pixie and firmly believe that the end result is still a machine that can faithfully reproduce the WASP qualities.
The use of the DCOs has facilitated an increased range for the keyboard controller
Two extra filter circuits have been added to the Pixie. One is a duplicate of the original WASP filter and can be switched in series or in parallel with the original WASP Filter to extend and enhance the filter characteristics. The 3rd filter is a diode-ladder design and uses the same mixed input signal that is applied to the 1st filter, offering additional filtering characteristics which can be mixed in addition to or instead of the filter 1/2 combination.
A Ring Modulator has been added to the design to add further sound manipulation capabilities.
The Noise Generator has been slight redesigned to address the demise of the original chip. The new design offers a similar sound profile to that of the original WASP.
The EG stage used for the EDP WASP has been replaced with a copy of the EG stage used for the WASP VCA. This EG offers more control capabilities over the original design
Two dedicated mixers have been added to the design. The first mixes the various sound sources (VCO1, VCO2, NOISE, RINGMOD, VCA feedback and External Input) which is fed to the 2/3 filter sections whilst the 2nd mixer combines the outputs from Mixer 1 (dry signal) with the outputs from VCF1/VCF2 and VCF3.
Switchable Distortion circuit added to VCF1 and VCF2 (borrowed from an idea by J. Haible)
Expanded Filter Controller to cater for the additional filters
Power supply modified to provide a 5V section for powering the front-end MIDI Interface and DCO sections, with the remaining analogue section running from a separate 9V section. This means that as designed the unit requires a 12VDC power source. However, the 9V can be changes to a 5V supply (change one voltage regulator) and the synth can be operated from a 9V battery making it suitable as a portable synth - NB in this mode of operation that Filter 3 will probably not function properly and may need to be either disabled or modified for this mode of operation - I will be investigating this operational mode in the near future)
There will also be posted shortly, a suggested design and panel layout for the Pixie suiting a small attaché case (as shown in the prototype sample picture on my website). If there is enough interest then I will be getting panels manufactured to suit this case

I would appreciate any comments you may have on this product and whether you are still interested in the Pixie

Best Regards

(Mr) Laurie Biddulph
Mooie synth zeg! Die blauwe front plate met witte knoppen is mijns inziens mooier dan de eerste design! :okdan:
Laatst gewijzigd:
ik weet niet of je het tegen mij hebt maar nee.

verkopen ze bij elby ook afgebouwde dan? dacht't niet eigenlijk.

ik heb trouwens wel een aardig bedrag over voor het bouwen. misschien wil iemand er sowieso 1 voor zichzelf hebben? dan kunnen we ze tegelijk kopen, bouw er twee en heb je meteen zelf zo'n ding voor extra weinig.
pb maar even bij interesse! :)