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verkocht [TE KOOP] 1984 BOSS CE-300 Super Chorus (Stereo Analog)

250 Euro
Gebruikt/vertoont lichte gebruikssporen


Lid sinds
28 januari 2024
Tilburg, NL
Te koop, een BOSS CE-300 Super Chorus uit 1984. Gebaseerd op het design van de Chorus op de Roland Juno synths. Naar mijn mening is dit een van de tofste analoge chorus units out there - zwaar underrated!

BOSS CE-300 - 02.jpg

BOSS CE-300 - 03.jpg

BOSS CE-300 - 04.jpg

BOSS CE-300 - 05.jpg

BOSS CE-300 - 06.jpg

BOSS CE-300 - 07.jpg

Gezien ik er twee heb, mag er wel eentje weg (die boven op het rack). De units klinken identiek, maar cosmetisch gezien heeft degene die ik verkoop in vergelijking wat meer wear (scheelt niet veel).

Volledig analoge stereo chorus, waar de L en R paden ieder hun eigen BBD chips hebben. In mono (hoe ik hem voornamelijk gebruik) desalniettemin net zo fantastisch. Tevens een heerlijke pre-amp, flinke headroom, veel gain beschikbaar en breed inzetbaar door de extra Level en Tone knoppen. De Direct Mute switch is ook tof voor complete wet applicaties, zoals (parallel) FX loops of WDW setups.

Het betreft de Europese variant, met een Europese stekker (dus, geen gedoe met transformators), inclusief originele rackoortjes (die er niet eens altijd bij zitten).

Serienummer: 482309


Ophalen in Tilburg is helemaal prima. Verzenden via PostNL (€6,95) is ook mogelijk.


Released: 1984
Input Level (Rated): -20 dB
Input Level (Maximum): +12 dB
Input Impedance: 1 Mohm
Output Level (Rated): -20 dB
Output Level (Maximum): +12 dB
Output Impedance: More than 10 kOhm
Gain: 0 dB
Power Consumption: 5 watts
Dimensions: 482 x 47 x 246mm
Weight: 3.1 kg

The BOSS CE-300 offers two independent chorus circuits to produce full pitch-deviation effects for a wider, fuller sounding effect in the stereo mode, as well as specific deep chorus effects.

In addition to the Rate and Depth controls, the CE-300 provides a Chorus Level control to select the desired proportion of chorus effects to the direct sound. Also, by using the Chorus Tone control, any type of chorus effect desired is possible-from the popular CE-1 type mild chorus effect to one that’s extremely sharp-sounding.

All of this is done with a very high S/N ratio, as the CE-300 incorporates built-in noise reduction circuitry. With unequaled ease-of-use and built to extremely high specifications, the CE-300 delivers recording quality performance in the studio or onstage.

- Circuitry features 2 independent chorus circuits for pitch-deviation chorus effects when the CE-300 is used in the stereo mode with 2 amplifiers.

- In mono, a full sound like that of a multiplex chorus effect is available.

- For creating many different sounding chorus effects, the CE-300 comes equipped with four controls. Rate and Depth controls respectively set the rate and depth of modulation. The Chorus Tone control adjusts the sound of the effect while the Chorus Level control allows setting the desired direct/effect sound ratio.

- A and B outputs are combined at Output jack A to produce a combined chorus effect and direct sound (D+E), while the signal at Output jack B consists of a combined direct sound and inverted effect (D-E). This creates the well known and well used natural chorus effect as well as producing a spacious sound. Output jack A should be used when a monaural effect is desired.

- Remote effects are foot switch controlled from the remote jack.

- Input/output jacks are provided on both the front and rear panels for user convenience.

Extra tags: CE300, CE 300, vintage, analoog, JC, modulation, modulatie