Nieuwe Buchla Music Easel

O ja, zo gaat dat altijd bij jou :okdan:
tot nu toe niet maar eens wel ....
Ik zit hier ook nog met twee rooie autistjes opgescheept.....maar langskomen ho maar!
kom je vrijdag naar de EKKO? prikken we een nieuwe datum :okdan:

I'm special:

het plaatje heb ik ergens van Muff's vandaan gehaald


  • Buchla 208 Easel chart.jpg
    Buchla 208 Easel chart.jpg
    104,2 KB · Bekeken: 45
je kent mn autistische trekjes nu toch wel een beetje....
dat wordt; vrouw ontmoeten, verliefd, verloofd, houden van, trouwen gevolgd door 1 of 2 kinderen....
maarre de maandagavond hou ik dan nog steeds vrij hoor ;)

je vergeet scheiduh en je studio moeten verkopuh;-]] boehoe komt altyd laters;-]
Dear Buchla community,

To say we’ve been overwhelmed by the response to our NAMM introduction of the Music Easel would truly be the understatement of all time. This group’s passion is more than obvious---at the time of this writing, this thread had been viewed over 39,000 times! In the interest of trying to give you the best information possible, here’s the official BEMI word….

Pricing Structure
The Music Easel is BEMI’s first foray into selling Buchla gear through dealers, and while we are keeping the number of dealers purposely small, we are following a traditional dealer pricing model. This means that while BEMI will sell the unit at the MSRP of $3999.99, dealers can advertise it for $3,699.99. No matter whether you choose to purchase directly from BEMI or go through a BEMI dealer, orders will be shipped in the order in which BEMI receives them.

Orders / Email Address Confusion
Due to a combination of circumstances, some Easel inquiries sent to our address were not received. Our sincere apologies to those of you who were frustrated by our lack of response. We have recovered the mails, and we are contacting everyone who was not previously contacted and/or who did not subsequently place their order through either or

So that no one who tried to order an Easel via is unfairly penalized by our error, we will honor order inquiries sent to that address if a deposit is received within seven days of our contacting you. This will guarantee you a position on the fulfillment list in accordance with the original date of your email. If you don’t send in a deposit within seven days of being contacted, your position in line will be based solely on the date your payment arrives.

About the Units at NAMM….
Yes, the Easels were prototypes, which by definition, means that they were incomplete, non-production units. Each of the two on the show floor was in a different state of readiness. Unfortunately, the audio output sections of both units were not finished in time for the show, which is why you saw people listening on headphones only (and even that wasn’t done via the headphone jacks). That said, the electronic circuitry was largely complete, and we’re well into the next revision of circuit boards. We’re actively implementing tweaks and refinements to the entire system---well on our way to the projected Q2 release.

We’re listening! In addition to the many thoughtful comments we received at NAMM from the Buchla community, we’re closely following the “vintage accuracy versus modern functionality” debate in this forum, and doing our best to find the optimum blend of the two. We’ll continue to refine and implement changes in accordance with your input. Our goal is to put the best possible instrument in your hands.

The preset card is a good example. We think it’s really important to remain true to the original Easel’s preset card architecture (apparently some of you can’t get enough solder fumes). But we also understand the modern workflow and the need for immediate access to multiple presets---hence the design of our optional preset manager/ iPad interface card. Speaking of which, the interface’s spec calls for saving/loading presets, remote programming of the Easel via iPad, and wireless operation. MSRP TBA.

We’ll post the full feature list and specs on our new Web site as soon as it’s launched. (We’re busy translating the Latin pages now….)

The debate over original vs. new aesthetics is raging nearly as fiercely as the one over features. Again, we’re doing our best to find the sweet spot. A couple of things you can be sure of: The case lid will be removable and we’re taking a long hard look at all of the graphic elements, from fonts and colors to knobs….

Don Buchla’s Involvement
If you were BEMI, would you reissue the Music Easel without Don’s involvement? Get real!

The Manual
It’s our intention to include an appropriately updated version of the original Allen Strange manual along with new documentation to help users unfamiliar with the Easel unlock its sonic potential.

European Service / Distribution
Yes to both! We’ll be announcing dealers, distributors, and service centers on our Web site as they come on line.

Our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you whose love for Buchla gear has made this entire project (not just the Easel, but BEMI itself) possible.

ik geloof wel dat het kan lukken, maar ni nu ha, liever beetje voortbouwen aan de euro modular en daar wa meer balans in vinden, dan het allemaal verkopen en zo'n easel te hebben, zal snel sommige dingen missen. binnen enkele weken of maanden (naar gelang ik all het grief heb) ga ik wat beginnen te klooien met diy synthmodules (eerst kitjes en dan zien we wel), tijd genoeg en een lleuke bezigheid lijkt me, je moet jezelf bezighouden als je niet mag werken he
plezier maken met de synths en allerlei komt op de eerste plaats
39000 views op de site....

zeg dat 1 op 50 of 100 daadwerkelijk koopt ...
39000 : 50 = 780
39000 : 100 = 390

stel dat ze hetzelfde oplage aantal van de Moog Voyager weten te halen :{
de easel wordt de hit van 2013!

voor mij wordt het hopelijk ooit een 2e handse :P
dit is zo´n product wat je zeer waarschijnlijk op evilbay voor het dubbele weer verkocht gaat worden.....

ik ga maar eens even sparen...:D


dat is vrij zeker,maar niet voor eeuwig,kijk naar de OP-1..

zich vooral niet opwinden dus
Het is een redelijk complete Buchla (vco, lfo, envelope, vca/filt, seq, springreverb, random generator en touch keyboard in een compacte behuizing) voor een voor Buchla begrippen redelijke prijs.
Ik sta volgens mij al een klein jaar op de wachtlijst bij modularsquare. Of ik het doe zie ik dan wel, de Hornet lijkt me ook heel fijn....
Heeft iemand hem hier op het forum al? Ik heb hem besteld bij modularsquare maar het schiet niet echt op..... Iemand die hem rechtsreeks bij BEMI heeft besteld of ergen anders?