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Samson S-Com Plus Compressor/ Limiter/ Enhancer. Ongebruikt.


You can call me Toledo
Lid sinds
20 februari 2003
Samson S-Com Plus Compressor/ Limiter. Enige jaren geleden aangeschaft voor live project op locatie maar is uiteindelijk nooit gebruikt.

Op te halen in Amsterdam voor € 100.

Of binnenlands te verzenden met PostNL track trace voor € 110.


Zie https://www.bax-shop.nl/audio-processor/samson-s-com-plus-stereo-compressor-limiter

Compressor section includes variable Threshold, Ratio, Attack and Release controls. Samson's SKD (Smart Knee Detector) circuit dynamically adjusts the compression curve to ensure a musical result. Our exclusive AEG (Auto Envelope Generator) function simplifies optimum settings by constantly analyzing the audio input and automatically adjusting the attack and release parameters based on the changing level. Key Inputs and Outputs are included for externally processing the control voltage.The Expander/Gate features a variable threshold level and switchable release time (fast or slow). The Gate switch changes the downward expander ratio from "light" to "hard" gating for control ranging from subtle to an obvious effect. A dedicated Peak/Limiter with variable control provides protection against peak and overload independently of the compressor. De-esser improves audio quality by removing "S" from vocals and sibilance from overly bright signal sources such as cymbals. The Enhancer switch engages the EFR (Enhanced Frequency Recovery) circuit, which restores high frequencies that are sometimes diminished by heavy compression. Extensive metering includes Input/Output, Gain Reduction, De-esser Level, Gate Open/Close and Limit.
€ 90 bij ophalen in Amsterdam.


€ 100 incl. aangetekende verzending Nederland.
€ 90 bij ophalen.

€ 100 incl. aangetekende verzending NL.
€ 90 bij ophalen.

€ 100 incl. aangetekende verzending NL.
Laatste price-drop

Ophalen in Amsterdam € 75.

Aangetekend verstuurd binnen NL € 85.
O.k, € 75 bij ophalen, maar dan € 85 bij verzenden.