NW2S - Arduino eurorack project


Lid sinds
24 december 2004
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The nw2s::b is an open, Arduino-based modular synthesis development platform for the Eurorack format with 55 independent interface points including CV and digital input and output jacks, knobs, buttons, and even audio. Yes, this module will allow you to emulate almost any existing sequencer, LFO, envelope generator, arpeggiator, quantizer, control voltage processor, hybrid oscillator, or other insane source of uncertainty.
More importantly, it will allow you to build nearly anything you can imagine.
The platform itself is a combination of hardware and software. The software provides a framework which allows you to configure the behavior of the module in a declarative syntax that should be relatively easy to pick up even for those with minimal programming experience.
The framework can easily be extended to provide a consistent development experience or it may be bypassed completely for access to the raw hardware.
Expansion possibilities are provided through the standard Arduino expansion ports which have been exposed via pin headers including I2C, SPI, GPIO, USB, and UART. Additionally, serial communication with a host can be established over Bluetooth.


If you're ready to start building instruments from scratch, here are a few of the building blocks that are in place currently. They should look familiar and probably do about what you'd expect them to...

* FixedClock
* VariableClock
* SlaveClock
* RandomTempoClock
* RandomDropoutClock
* Envelope
* Gate
* Key
* Looper
* ClockedLooper
* NoteSequencer
* RandomNoteSequencer
* RandomTimeSequencer
* CVNoteSequencer
* CVSequencer
* MorphingNoteSequencer
* CVSequencer
* LinearSlew
* DecaySlew
* Trigger

I've taken a break from the software work for a while to get the hardware finished, but now that is done, I'll be adding more features to the software list.

My immediate to-do list includes the following:

* Clocks with swing
* Some automata algorithms
* Some Euclidean algorithms
* Wavetable-based LFO
* Wavetable-based oscillators
* More noise emulations
* Granular sample playback
* Sample streaming audio from SDcard
* ...and so on.