korg dsm-1

Niet zo gek veel. De toetsenversie wordt hoger ingeschat en gaat voor maar iets van 2-300 afhankelijk van de staat:

van GlenStegner:

There is a rack mount version called the DSM1. However, it sacrificed some of the more powerful analog synthesis features of the DSS1 in favor of more advanced sampling capabilities: it omitted the digital delays, twin oscillator patches, oscillator sync, and (worst sin of all) the resonance that gave the DSS1 much of its character. In place of these, the DSM1 had four times as much memory (1 mb), a much faster operating system, a high density disk drive, individual outputs, and a multitimbral mode.
kheb mn dss1 weers aangesloten [shame on me ;-] en werkt prima ook as masterkeys ..wil snel de glen stegner library overpompen in mn dss1

de dsm1 lijktme leuk 12 bit samplerrtje..togh