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Emagic EMI 6|2m

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Lid sinds
11 juli 2003
Net een Emagic emi 2|6 aangeschaft, omdat ik voor oa livegebruik voorlopig meer outputs nodig heb dan inputs.

Mijn Emagic emi 6|2m gaat daarom in de verkoop!

van sonicstate (ben zelf nie goed in die dingen typen) :

"Before the 6|2m, came the 2|6, a USB, portable low-latency USB audio interface available for both Mac and PC platforms. The 6|2m improves on this configuration by adding MIDI and a USB hub.
In case you hadn't noticed, the 6|2m comes in a translucent blue box, about the size of a VHS cassette, and sports 6 inputs and 2 outputs of analogue RCA phono connections, along with two addition RCA jacks doubling as both coaxial S/PDIF connections or MIDI. For either analogue or digital, sample rates of 44.1, 48 or 96 kHz at 16 or 24 bits are supported.

As well as the RCA and S/PDIF connections mentioned above, a 3.5 mm mini-jack headphone socket is provided for zero-latency monitoring, with level independently controlled by a volume knob on the front-panel. Power is usually supplied by the USB connection, although an optional power supply is available where insufficient power is available - a good piece of foresight that avoids one of the irritating glitches associated with USB devices. Another great touch is the inclusion of two USB ports. There's never enough of them especially when it comes to laptops. These extra ports allow you to pop in a dongle, mouse or other USB devices."

6 inputs, 2 outputs, digital S/PDIF (of midi) in/out en twee extra usb poorten!

Ik heb er een manual, usb kabel en s/pdif -> midi verloopstukjes bij!

Ik heb hem iets meer als een jaar geleden van een forumlid gekocht en hij heeft al die tijd achter mijn laptop gehangen in mijn thuissetup.

Af te halen in Den Haag, 75 euro !

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