Nieuwe firmware Prophet 5/10 rev 4.


Lid sinds
17 januari 2007
Den Bosch
Nieuwe firmware beschikbaar voor de Prophet 5/10 Rev 4 op Newest Prophet 5/10 Main OS 2.0.4 and Panel OS 1.1.3

P5/10 Main 2.0.4 / Panel 1.1.3 Changelog

New Feature: Q Compensation adjustable per patch
New Feature: Adjustable Velocity and Aftertouch Amounts per patch
New Feature: High Note Priority Added for UNISON
New Feature: Link Layers by holding UNISON and pressing PRESET, changes to panel will affect both layers simultaneously
Bug Fix: Module Only - Certain params being set to 0 when Live Panel mode entered, regardless of physical pot position
Bug Fix: AT/Velocity/Voice Allocation settings not retained after power cycling if an alternate tuning is selected
Bug Fix: in split mode, value indicator LED only shows stored value for layer A
Bug Fix: No MIDI control to indicate switch between layer A/B in stack/split mode - Assigned to CC80
Bug Fix: reduce unison detune on 2nd voice card in Unison 2 mode
Bug Fix: After the Mac comes out of sleep mode, MIDI not transmitted from the synth via USB until USB cable removed/reinserted.

Main 2.0.4 - Q Comp feature use instructions.

1. Hold BANK and press GLOBAL to access the 3rd row global functions.
2. Press the 3 button to select the Q comp mode selection.
3. Use INC/DEC to select between 'VIN' or 'Prg' mode. 'VIN' is the default mode already available in the instrument.
4. With 'Prg' Q comp mode selected, press the GLOBAL button to exit the 3rd row globals.
5. Press and hold the filter REV button. 'RES' will show on the display indicating that Q Comp selection mode is active.
6. While still holding REV button, using the program select buttons 0-8 to set the amount of Q comp applied to the patch, where 8 is max Q comp.
7. The setting can be saved per patch.

Main 2.0.4 - Adjustable Velocity/Aftertouch feature use instructions.

1. Hold VELOCITY or AFTERTOUCH button.
2. Use INC/DEC to set the amount of VELOCITY or AFTERTOUCH modulation to be applied.
3. The setting affects both modulation destinations for velocity or aftertouch and can be saved per program.

Q Compensation kan gebruikt worden om het volume te compenseren dat bij hoge resonance settings anders nogal omlaag gaat.
Velocity / Aftertouch amount geeft eindelijk controle over hoeveel effect deze hebben ipv alles of niets.

Fijne update dus!
Yes, mooie update. Ik moet zelfs nog over naar 2.0 :D

Het is wel een beta en de velocity amount is wslk verkeerd ingesteld in deze beta, dus je moet de velocity amount voor al je patches (ff backup maken voor je de update draait) aanpassen van 0 naar 127.