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Eurorack Mutable Instruments Clouds

245 Euro
Zo goed als nieuw


Lid sinds
20 augustus 2002
Wachtebeke ( BE )
Soms moet je in je leven keuzes maken en andere wolken betreden. Deze mag weg.

Clouds is a granular audio processor like no other.

Clouds is focused on the realtime granularization of incoming audio signals, and their transformation into amorphous textures.

Grains of adjustable size, pitch and envelope, are extracted at controllable time offsets from the input signal. Grains are seeded randomly, periodically, or whenever the module receives a trigger.

The textures generated by Clouds are extremely thick, partly because of the large number of concurrent grains (up to 60), partly because of a built-in allpass diffuser and reverberator, smearing the shortest transient into a wash of noise - giving the illusion of an even larger number of simultaneous grains.

A list of things Clouds is not trying to be: a sample player, a slicer, a looper.

Ophalen in Wachtebeke of Terneuzen.
Of verzending kosten koper.
