Black replica 26 mei in Dordrecht!!


Lid sinds
19 juli 2005

Black Replica is a new unsigned project from Heinrich Mueller and at least one other so far unidentified female. They first appeared, as so many new groups do these days, with a MySpace page (first registered on 16th October 2006) and later two video's of theirs were posted on You Tube. So far so enigmatic but this is a real break from the Mueller norm as far as it being a purely cyber affair so far. Whether this will continue time will tell, it may just be a way to publicise a forthcoming release of a more conventional nature. But with no commerce taking place and no artefacts to collect; the act just existing as music and video files on third party web portals with only the barest title information to stoke the imagination I think they may here have struck on the perfect medium for creating mystery. There is something very new, pure even, about this aspect of cyberspace which could very well suit someone that has a very high production rate and fondness for multiple pseudonyms. Perhaps Black Replica will turn out to be his first exploratory steps into a true virtual reality.

So far there are three audio tracks available to download from their MySpace site, namely, Mathematical Eyes, Spider Theory and Black Feathers. Two spooky video’s for the first two listed can additionally be viewed at You Tube. The user name of whoever put up the video's on You Tube is Paradox Twin which reversed is the name of a track on the new Arpanet album, 'Inertial Frame', coincidence? The MySpace site lists membership as being Black Replica and Heinrich Mueller which is factual, the only other information being listed is their location as Detroit??? which is something of a ruse trust me.

I can't say there's a whole lot more I can tell you about this project that you can't see for yourselves but by the time I get to it I will at least be working with the benefit of hindsight and better able to understand Black Replica and put them in some context. In saying that it's obvious Mueller and company are getting into some mystical stuff here with cloaked figures and magical symbols as featured in the video's; the music could also be described as being electro gothic; it looks like things are about to get very interesting.

May, 26 2007 at PICTURA
Voorstraat 190-192, DORDRECHT,
Cost : TBC


Origineel geplaatst door mono-poly
Niemand weet wie Black Replica is.
Hoe weet je uberhaupt dan of ze het wel zijn?


Ik geloof dat ze bij Clone er wel eens gek van worden.
Origineel geplaatst door mono-poly
Niemand weet wie Black Replica is.
Hoe weet je uberhaupt dan of ze het wel zijn?


maakt me ook nie uit.. gewoon gruwelijke tracks.. ik citeer alleen maar van verschillende sites.

April, 28 2007 at Humans at Night Party (with Black Replica)
Steegske, Gent, Belgium,
Cost :

Humans at Night Party: Beta Evers live, Black Replica live, DJs: Spacid, Cann a.o.