Flyweight - She went for it


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Lid sinds
10 november 2010
HybriDe L!Fe

In deze track zijn naast de opgeknipte drumloop geen samples gebruikt.
Behringer Model D doet de bas, Korg Prologue, Arturia CS80, Stage73 Rhodes, Gitaar en Zang.


Flyweight: Hey good evening,

ChatBot: Good evening! How can I help you today?

Flyweight: Do you know about the synthforum contest?

ChatBot: I'm not familiar with a specific "synthforum contest." Can you provide more information about the contest you are asking about?

Flyweight: Its a contest on Every member can submit a song / recording.

ChatBot: I'm sorry, but I am an artificial intelligence and do not have access to specific forums or websites. I do not have information about the synthforum contest you mentioned. I recommend reaching out to the organizers of the contest or other members of the synthforum community for more information.

Flyweight: Ok it doesn't matter you don't know it. But do you know why I wrote so few songs this year?

ChatBot: There could be many reasons why you have written fewer songs this year. Some possible reasons could include a lack of inspiration or motivation, a busy schedule or other commitments, or simply feeling uninterested in songwriting at the moment. It is also possible that you have encountered some external or internal obstacles or challenges that have made it difficult for you to write songs. It is important to remember that it is normal to have ups and downs in your creative process and that there are many ways to overcome creative blocks or challenges. It may be helpful to try different songwriting techniques, take breaks to recharge, or seek support and guidance from other songwriters or creative professionals. Ultimately, the most important thing is to find what works best for you and to be kind and patient with yourself as you work through any challenges.

Flyweight: Yeah that sounds plausible. Can you be my muse? Can you generate a song title for me?

ChatBot: As an artificial intelligence, I do not have personal experiences or feelings and therefore cannot be a muse in the traditional sense. However, I can certainly try to help you generate ideas for a song title! Here are a few potential song title ideas that you might find inspiring:
  • "Echoes of the Past"
  • "Beyond the Horizon"
  • "The Road to Nowhere"
  • "Fading Into the Night"
  • "Songs of the Heart"
  • "Chasing Dreams"
  • "The Weight of the World"
  • "The Power of Love"
  • "Waves of Emotion"
  • "The Light Within"
Keep in mind that these are just a few ideas, and the best song title for you will depend on your own personal experiences, influences, and creative vision. I hope these ideas help get your creative juices flowing!

Flyweight: Don't you have some title that includes being tired of technology?

ChatBot: Here are a few song title ideas that might relate to feeling tired of technology:
  • "Disconnected"
  • "Escape from the Digital World"
  • "The Price of Progress"
  • "Technology Overload"
  • "Humanity's Illusion"
  • "The Virtual Divide"
  • "The Human Condition"
  • "The Virtual Reality Trap"
  • "Beyond the Screen"
  • "The Search for Authenticity"
Keep in mind that these are just a few ideas, and the best song title for you will depend on your own personal experiences, influences, and creative vision. I hope these ideas help get your creative juices flowing!

Flyweight: Hmmm you suck in generating song titles. No hard feelings. Your probably better in trouble shooting.

ChatBot: I'm sorry if the song title ideas I suggested did not meet your expectations. Generating song titles can be a difficult and subjective task, and what works for one person may not work for another. Songwriting is a deeply personal and creative process, and the best song titles often come from personal experiences and insights.
As an artificial intelligence, I am not capable of experiencing emotions or creating art in the same way that humans do. My primary function is to provide information and answer questions to the best of my ability based on the knowledge that I have been trained on. While I may not be able to provide creative inspiration in the same way that a human muse could, I am here to help you find information and resources that may be helpful to you. If you have any specific questions or problems that you would like help with, please don't hesitate to ask.

Flyweight: Ok thanks anyhow. Have to submit my song.

ChatBot: You're welcome! I'm glad that I could help, even if only in a small way. I hope that you are able to submit your song successfully and that it is well received by the judges or audience of the contest. Remember to stay true to your artistic vision and to be proud of the work that you have created. Good luck with your submission! If you have any other questions or need any further assistance, don't hesitate to ask.
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Haha, die bots toch... en de vragen die ze moeten beantwoorden, ik krijg er medelijden van.

Cool, chill trackje, net lang genoeg, mooi hoor! Dat einde kon beter. STEM!
Het leuke aan deze contest is dat je echt wel heel verschillende stijlen de revue ziet passeren. Ook al is dit niet echt mijn ding, ik vind het zó geweldig dat dit naast ambient, gabber, retro en andere stijlen mee doet en getuige is van de geweldige creatieve geesten die hier op het forum zitten :okdan:
Automatisch ga ik elke contesttrack vergelijken met een (bekende) artiest, ik weet niet waarom. Ik zou het aan chatGPT kunnen vragen, maar wrsch is het omdat ik het in een bepaald genre wil plaatsen als referentie. Iig doet deze song mij denken aan Dr John the Nighttripper, voornamelijk door de compositie en je stem. En dat kan je opvatten als een compliment!
Ik had um al eerder voorbij horen komen, fijne neo soul plaat met veel subtiele muzikale elementen. De drums hadden soms net wat strakker gemogen, met name de snare zit er niet altijd lekker op, soms net wat te laat/sloppy (ok, wel nitpicking here!), overall fijne track en die subitiele gitaar is de super glue in deze track (and nice touch die full stop op het eind ;))
Ja tof hoor. Knap gespeeld allemaal. Dat basje klinkt ook lekker. Die net iets naar voren getrokken snare op de 2 en de 4 maken de groove, J Dilla style. Cool.
Wauw, wat een lekkere track! Goede productie, dat riekt naar meer....
een hele originele inzending.
Je zang en de nonchalante drums zijn een 100% match en zijn zeer geslaagd. ik vind de drums dus ook niet te 'dehumanzied' want je zang komt perfect overeen met het "luie" (en dat bedoel ik natuurlijk niet slecht) karakter van de drums.