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echo indigo io

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Ouwe rot
Lid sinds
28 Maart 2004
geluidskaart met zeer lage latency direkt in je computer geen gedoe met usb kabels en adapters

stevig gebouwde metalen minijacks in /out

prijs 50 euro

voor zowel mac als pc moet wel cardbus type II hebben uiteraard

Notebook pro audio recording has never sounded so good, or been this convenient and affordable. Indigo IO offers one stereo 1/8 inch analog input and output on a Type II Cardbus card powered by your notebook computer. It combines this with 24-bit/96kHz converters for the quality you deserve. Also included is a 6 foot audio cable for RCA or 1/4 inch connections.

A unique feature of the Indigo IO is the use of "virtual" outputs. Indigo IO appears to software as if it has eight separate outputs, which are digitally mixed down to the physical outputs using Indigo IO's "console" software and its on-board DSP. This makes Indigo IO compatible with all popular multi-track software. And, with Echo's "multi-client" drivers, more than one application (such as an editor and a software synth) can be playing back through Indigo IO at the same time.
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